Dear faithful, the situation in Europe seems to be worsening by the moment. Many groups insist on taking a stance in favor of war without wanting to address peace. And, as is natural, this leaves us concerned about what might happen in the near future.
We must remember that the cause of the flood was the sin of mankind, as the Scriptures clearly show us. Likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the sins of the people who lived there. More recently, in Martinique, the island of St. Pierre was destroyed by a volcano due to the blasphemies and desecrations committed by a group of residents without any reparation.
Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori said that great calamities are always sent or allowed by God because of the sins of men. Thus, a world war, being a great calamity, cannot find a more powerful barrier than our prayer.
It was during the time of St. Pius V that Christendom, through the power of the Holy Rosary, defeated the Muslims. Therefore, there is no problem—whether international, national, familial, or individual—that we cannot find a solution to through the persevering and devout prayer of the Holy Rosary. May Our Lady protect us.
A great blessing to all.
S.E.R. Dom Tomás de Aquino, OSB