In a striking turn of events, amidst the devastation caused by wildfires in Los Angeles, one house remained untouched by the flames. The remarkable story has left many wondering if a higher power was at work.
The homeowner, a devout Catholic who works as both a lawyer and a movie producer, had blessed his house earlier this year with Epiphany Chalk and a traditional blessing. As the wildfire approached, he evacuated with his family, entrusting their safety—and their home—to divine protection.
When the flames subsided, the man returned to his property, bracing himself for the worst. To his astonishment, his home was completely intact, standing unscathed while neighboring houses were reduced to ashes.
He credits God for this miracle, stating, “The Epiphany House Blessing gave us the peace and protection we prayed for. It’s a powerful reminder of God’s presence in our lives.”